I Still Exist

Been a while, longer than I meant. I know, that song is getting old.

Believe you me, no one feels as strongly about that as myself.

Been wrapped up in…stuff. Without giving out too much detail, things have been unusually hectic for a number of reasons. Mostly work (ALL OF IT, screams the rebellious little voice in my head), though there are some other things going on too (the voice rolls its eyes and snorts).

Writing has taken a big hit. Trying to change my own mindset about that being the easiest thing to drop when the shit hits the fan. Trying my best to get that back on track. Still owe an update on NaNoWriMo, which did a lot, but still not near where I needed it to be.

do have a goal, now personally driven by the very thing that is keeping it from happening. Good news, I’m making moves to reprioritize things. Again, trying not to give too much detail on that, you can imagine why.

Even now, feels like I am writing this from a foxhole. Lots of pressure, lots of noise, and never knowing what the next day is going to bring. That may be too strong of an analogy (and I would never compare an office job to one in the military), but I am also a guy whose central premise of his writing is to have mental and emotional concepts manifest as real, physical monsters and locals.

I tend to see my own mind in those same parallels.

And right now, it’s wartime.


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