The Walking Dead: Claimed

This week’s episode was very similar to Cleared, in both theme and quality.

Once again, Michonne really proves to be a great character the more she’s fleshed out. My familiarity with the comic ended around the beginning of the prison so I don’t really know what is the show vs the comic, but either way I’ve really enjoyed furthering her back story. Getting her back with Rick and Carl was a great move, especially as her and Grimes the Younger cleared the house.

The moment where she walked into the pink room was a special kind of Walking Dead moment, the kind that shows you of the world that was lost.

Carl really gets the benefit of these story lines. I remember thinking at the end of last season that they were going to take him down the sociopath route, making him into the next Shane, but he’s really gone in a great direction and might actually be the most balanced character in the show now. He shows continual remorse about Judith, so I just know that’s going to be a great moment when they’re reunited (unless they really do kill her or him before then).

Then there was Rick’s nap, which started out kinda great. He really needed a break, and what better kind than to kick back and read some Jack London. Then, as always, people show up and ruin everything. It was especially intense and got more so when the two guys actually started fighting

Abraham is a unique character. At first he’s got the dangerous humor of Martinez or some of the other characters we’ve met along the way. The more you see him, though, the more responsibility you see him take up. He’s a good guy, doing a  good job, but apparently he doesn’t fuck around either. As we saw with Glen.

Then, of course, the zombies show up.

It’s funny how this show always punctuates moments with zombies. I remember reading a story about a mystery novelist who said that whenever the story needed something, he just killed someone. There were moments he didn’t even know who got killed or why, all that mattered was that they had to go.

Same thing with the Walking Dead.

I don’t really know what to make of the other two characters they’ve introduced with Abraham. The chick just kinda seems like a reason to have another hot girl (to balance out the immense gravitational field of attraction that Maggie generates). Then there’s Dr. Scientist guy, who was hilarious, but also had a mullet. Can’t really trust anyone with a mullet.

Everyone is steadily converging on this central point. I know that’s what a lot of people theorized would happen, but I’m looking for the twist they’re looking to throw out there. The fantastic advantage the show has is in using the comics continuity as bait. They did it with Shane, they did it with damn near everything involving the prison, it’s just a theme with the show now.

Either way, looking forward to seeing where it goes.

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