Writing Progress 06/11

Didn’t write last night much, about a thousand words after getting home from an MBA class. I liked what I generated though.

I’m kind of in a weird spot right now and having a hard time pushing through this part of the story. It was a moment where things just kind of jumped off the rails (literally, actually) and now I was driving the story in a direction I hadn’t anticipated. With a character I hadn’t planned on.

But this is how it always is for me when I’m creating new content. Transitions are difficult for me and are usually doe on the second run through, like seams. Dialogue, much to my shame, is also a difficult part to handle in these moments, especially when they’re are more than two characters. That’s something I’m trying to work on as an author as a whole.

So now, I’m just writing the scenes. For my dialogue, I’ll start looking for holes where I failed to make someone comment on the Horrible Monstrosity or voice their Grave Concerns.

I’ve begun working on a schedule for things, but it’s not final yet. When it is, I’ll post it up and we’ll see how well I stick to it.

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