Day 4 of 10 Writing FayTown Callin

I was hoping to get more done today, but that just wasn’t in the cards.

The good news, I wrote out my action scene. It needs some work (it’s a bit of a mess) but it exists, and that netted me over three thousand words. From there, I have looked over a few more sections and they mostly look fine, it’s just the pacing. I have a tendency to get, for lack of a better word, impatient in certain scenes. I don’t know what causes it, whether it’s discomfort with a theme or setup, I really don’t know, but I have certain scenes that always feel rushed. I have to kneed them out, like dough, until they’re the pacing is where I want it.

I was hoping to go over this cluster of sections today and continue on, to get that kneading process out. After dinner though, this migraine came on and it just won’t go away. My wife is telling me I should go to sleep and, what with my frowning at the computer in a bit of a catatonic state, I’m thinking I’m going to take her advice.

On the bright side, I have a scene where Virgil throws a big spell that knocks him a bit off his rocker. All I had to do was describe what I was feeling.

I will get up early tomorrow and write. My goal is to go over what I’ve written for this particular cluster, make sure I’m not insane, and adjust the pacing a bit, then continue on. I should be able to move the status of nine sections from Needs Work or Mess to Happy, or at the very least Needs Something.

By the way, quick thing about Scrivener that is great. You can label sections with custom identifiers. My system is as follows:

Idea: Just a placeholder, has almost nothing in the section.

Mess: There are words but nothing more can be said about the quality or coherence of said words.

Needs Work: Coherent, but not readable.

Missing Something: I’m almost happy with it but there is something off. Usually, this is because I’m missing a detail that has to be filled in, has bad pacing, or is something else I can’t put my finger on.

Happy: I’m happy with this. It could be read.

Done: I’m totally not going to do anything else with this but usually do.

Really Done: Haven’t reached this yet, but this would be after final editing.

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