
Day 3 of 10 Writing FayTown Calling

It’s six in the morning, so forgive my tenses, but for me it’s still Sunday. Didn’t begin writing until 4:30 today after going to the grocery store. Had enough time to make sure the work I’d done the day before was good and then it was time to make dinner. This actually turned out to be more productive than anticipated because I was able to address an issue that’s been bothering me in the upcoming section. So, while making hamburger patties, I walked through how the next couple chapters needed to go. After that, I didn’t get to get back to writing until midnight. I wrote about three thousand words, working from what I’d thought up earlier, creating a chapter I didn’t even know what going to exist but am very happy with. This will lead into the action scene I’ve been putting off but is fully outlined (as I…

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Day 2 of 10 Writing FayTown Calling

I decided to do this one live since it’s four in the morning and this day has given me some trouble. I spent the afternoon honing out the sections I had trouble with the night before, only to go back and not really like what I’d done. I don’t know if it’s the concept of what I’ve added or my execution, but I decided to leave it for now and move on. Tonight didn’t go much better, much as I hate to admit it. I got started around midnight and couldn’t find the flow of things, worse, I kept second guessing what I had and where I was going. That led to me trying to get organized. I storyboarded some concepts (which helped) and wrote some things out in a notebook (which helped some more) and then looked over the chapters I had looking at the work it would take…

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New Sorcerer Rising Cover

Earlier this year I commissioned a new book cover for Sorcerer Rising, as well as one for FayTown Calling. This is part of an effort to brand my Virgil McDane books, to make them run together. Karri Klawiter is the artist and she’s done a fantastic job. Gotta say, I never realized how bad mine looked until I saw this. Just can’t get over how good it looks. It’ll be up on the retail sites soon enough, with a paperback finally coming out the end of the week. I will have a reveal for FayTown Calling toward the end of the week. That…doesn’t exactly mean the book will be coming out then, but seeing the cover has goaded me into a new pace.

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Part of the reason I wanted to have a blog was so I could go nuts when I have moments like these. Usually, it’s long after the thing I’m excited about has faded from relevancy (I don’t go to the movies too often) but not this time. Just to be clear, I spoil just about everything below. I didn’t expect much when I went to see the second Captain America movie. I was one of the few who didn’t really care for the first one (I actually preferred Thor). They did a lot more with him in the Avengers, but even then he just wasn’t as interesting as the other characters. So believe me when I say I am surprised, not only to say it isĀ great, but is also my favorite Marvel movie next to the Avengers. It topped Thor, the Hulk movies, even Iron Man. And in comparison to…

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